Invitation to John Marlin’s presentation

You are kindly invited to the Verzetsmuseum on Thursday, April 25, to hear John Tepper Marlin (grandson of Olga Emily Boissevain, great-grandson of Charles Handelsblad Boissevain) present a slide show on Walraven van Hall, based on his translated and edited book on Erik Schaap’s 2006 biography in Dutch of Van Hall.

John Tepper Marlin

This event is organised by The Oxford and Cambrigde Society of The Netherlands. Dr. Marlin is seeking to open up to English-speaking readers the story of the Dutch Resistance beyond the world of Anne Frank, which is almost all of what Americans know about the five-year Nazi Occupation of the Netherlands. The United States shared in the costs of the military disaster that followed Dolle Dinsdag, as many of the paratroopers caught at the “Bridge Too Far” were American soldiers sent with light weapons at Arnhem to fight tanks that were not supposed to be there. The book was one of only seven books to make the March recommended books of the Oxford Alumni Magazine. Erik Schaap is also planning to be there and will be introduced, and so is Friso Hoeneveld, who spoke about CS-6 at the Verzetsmuseum last year.

Under Nazi Noses

You can order your ticket via The Oxford and Cambridge Society of The Netherlands: Non members can register as a ‘friend’ of the society.

John’s presentation is in English.

To visit the presentation the costs are € 11,00 and € 16,00 for the book. This is including the entrance fee to the museum. You’re welcome as from 16.00 hrs and the presentation will start at 16.30 hrs.

Verzetsmuseum: Plantage Kerklaan 61, 1018 CX Amsterdam

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